When it is time to prepare your personal income tax, it is possible for you to “Go it alone” and use one of the many do-it-yourself tax preparation programs available. However, Our Tax Pros can save you time and money by understanding the complex tax codes and having up-to-date knowledge that allows us to get the best tax advantage for you. The on-line do-it-yourself programs cannot provide cash saving gains. We'll dig deep to get you the maximum personal income tax refund GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY BACK
Our Tax Pros will sit down and discussing your personal income and financial situation in complete confidentiality. If you prefer to drop off your information we can start your personal income tax return with some basic information and then set up a time that is best for you to come in to make sure we understand your situation completely.
Many individuals have various sources of income such as wages, interest, rental properties, stock, unemployment benefits or might be receiving a pension. With these situations, there is no substitute for having a Tax Pro by your side.
Our proprietary tax program helps us dig deep for all deductions you are entitled to. This also means less errors or omissions on your personal income tax returns. Our returning clients have the advantage of us seeing what was on last year’s income tax return and comparing it to this year’s information. All our new clients are asked to bring in a copy of the last return that was filed. We will take the time necessary to go over last year’s personal income tax returns and look for any items that might have been overlooked. A Tax Pro will also discuss some tax breaks that you may be able to use for future tax planning. If there are any life changing events in your near future we will show you how this might affect your income tax return.
Our Tax Pros are available year-round to help you. If you receive a letter from any of the taxing jurisdictions, regardless of who prepared the return, we will help you understand what is required of you. We will be there to help you prepare your response in a timely manner.
We are a leading national tax company that is rooted in your local community. This ensures you we will be there next year and many years after to stand behind all our work. We are proud to be a member of the Blair County Chamber of Commerce, Live Here Buy Here program and have membership on other local commissions and boards.
All our Tax Pros are registered tax preparers and continue to take advanced class every year. No one has complete understanding of all the tax codes but we have may avenues available to get the help you need.
We'll prepare your federal and state tax return, identify all deductions and credits available, and get you the biggest refund possible.
We examine returns prepared by you or someone else, from as far back as three years. If you’re missing money owed to you, we’ll make sure you get it back.
Not ready to file? If you need more time, we can file an extension for you, to help you avoid penalties.
If you get an audit notice from the IRS about a tax return we prepared for you, we’ll appear with you at the audit to explain how your tax return was prepared.
When you come to us for tax preparation, you’ll receive our Accuracy Guarantee, which covers you in case a Tax Pro at Jackson Hewitt makes an error preparing your tax return.
To get started early, see if your employer offers secure W-2 downloads to Jackson Hewitt. There’s no need to wait for a hard copy of your W-2.
Jackson Hewitt - Tax Services serving the Altoona, Duncansville, Holidaysburg, and Johnstown areas
All Material © Jackson Hewitt Tax Service 2025